Monday, June 27, 2016


At this moment I will admit that I use high interest hashtags (basically drama fueled subjects of audible news) in the hope of random traffic discovering my work. 

For I am part of the growing mass of intellectual plastic, cluttering the internet in its endlessly growing mass.

There is no recycling allowed in this deed restricted, gated brain community!

#climatechange #guncontrol #secondamendmentrights #makeamericagreat --> #hillary2016


-Jack Kunning

Saturday, June 25, 2016


This reflection of normal civilian existence is marked by the #Brexit.

All around commentators of the minority of opulent cry of the impending doom caused by this referendum. Allegedly the implications will know no global boundaries as everyone feels its effect. But I feel no fear, only simple curiosity as I await the arrival of the alleged chaos that is to be expected.

As I wait, the question lingering in my conscious is what does this mean for the price of coffees and bananas? 

- Jack Kunning