Sunday, June 1, 2014

Executive Security Administration Cental Office

The pleasures of secure middle class jobs. The possibilities are endless if you conform and submit. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Ignorant Southern Yuppies don't like to see an Individual with his held high. 
      Their world is one of prescription lies

Open your eyes, take a deep breathe
"I'm ready to be Alive!" Your soul cries
As you leave the flourescent world behind.

Monday, April 7, 2014


Freedom is a word cautiously mentioned.
Gossip is propaganda

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

ine FArt

So, Fine Art kinda mindnumbingly boring.
Its a commodity to be purchased as a trophy of social worth.
No wonder most artists seem so miserable.

Towering white tents in the artificial light of electricity.
We can peddle our shit at night!

Obligated clarity.
It is clear that if you disagree things will become difficult. 
You must join, peaceful separation is not an option.

Hunger sucks   

Peaceful secession from society will be brought to justice by an armed peacekeeping force.
So just give up and give in.


Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Holder-Zuckerberg Social Surveillance Pact

Self Portrait

Electronic Dance Movement


Flower Power

Government Surveillance Portrait

Prisoner at Penco

Why So Serious?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Holder-Zuckerberg Social Surveillance Pact

The past two years have been internally volatile. Questions of law, human rights, and freedom have run rampant through the shadows. In this depth-less society we inhabit, the choices are being made for us in the name of convenience and public safety. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact has been signed between the suffocating surveillance juggernauts of Washington DC and Silicone Valley. Poland is our freedom and privacy. Except their is no Great Britain and France coming to our defense. And why would their be? Unlike Poland their is only a small majority that can acknowledge this reality and fear its consequences. The cowardly masses are handing flowers to the rolling tanks and jumping behind the safety of bottles and pipes.

My work is a response to this. Armed with a decade old fuji film I capture moments of raw emotion. Using the infinitely expanding dimension of realm I have pried open the pixels of a captured moment in time. I erase the facade defined by TMZ, 24 hr news, and social media that we believe is reality. In its place I show the world for what it really is. The Holder-Zuckerberg Social Surveillance Pact has been signed and the majority have been swallowed by its rising tide. I refuse to sink, so I must continue to swim. My work is the product of my swimming.

The first series of images from The Holder-Zuckerberg Surveillance Pact will be on display this Friday and Saturday at Jef Bond's Art Party.

Jack Kunning

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Dolo Jazz Suite at the Handlebar 2/6/14

Last Thursday smooth electronic production clashed with fiery passionate story telling in a haze of hip hop at the smoky Handlebar. Local artists  Sincere Logic and a Band of Saints, Maverick, Dee Villian and St. Pete the Beatman opened for the Dolo Jazz Suite which included AF THE NAYSAYER, Hop Box, Gilead 7 and Phantom Thrett. 

In a world of Mac Miller, Waka Flocka Flames and Jay Z,  a Band of Saints collaboration with Sincere Logic was a refreshing cross genre blend. Sincere Logic offered plenty of energy and movement to get the show going and Maverick kept the ball rolling. 

Dee Villian's smooth flow, generosity and swagger reminded me of Kid Cudi before his music became so unappealing and sub par. 

Gilead 7 opened the Dolo Jazz Suite and his raw, explosive flow grabbed my attention. His lyrics kept it. Not once did he boast of materialism or blatant sexism. His rapid firing tongue and piercing eyes made it clear to the audience that it was time to check out if you can't swim in the depths of the emotions he would be exploring. All this I found refreshing from the stagnant collection pond of boasts about shiny possessions, greed and empty sexuality that is modern mainstream hip hop. 

The most enjoyable part though of the evening was definitely the calm complex sounds of AF THE NAYSAYER. This was my second time seeing him and once he got started I couldn't remain still long enough to take a good photo. I became distracted by the desires of my feet to move along the swirling path his music has to offer. I followed my feet all the way to the end when he offered the crowd a Riff Raff remix for an encore. It was the first time I found myself enjoying the music of Riff Raff. 

All in all it was a great evening thanks to all the artists. A special thanks to Pass the Good and Stew for letting my broke ass in so that I could capture some of the energy that evening. 

Photographs by Jack Kunning, words by Kengir

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Foozle and cowardhound 1/14/2014

The Crowd, an entertained joyful bunch

Below are images of Foozle and cowardhound performing at Sluggo's on January 14, 2014.
cowardhound had its first performance as a full band after a single day of practice. Despite this, they threw at the crowd a two song set of angry unrefined layered cacophony that leaves trend followers bored on facebook and artists craving more. 


Foozle on the other hand had clearly practiced more than a day together. They sound like if The Max Levine Ensemble and Silver Jews had a forbidden genre mixing affair that produced a sullen love child ready to smash the expectations of underground music and culture in suburbia. They have found a beautiful meeting point of raw energy, harmony, technicality and lyrical content that so many strive for but fail horribly in their attempt to locate it. Their performance didn't lack any of the components present in their recordings and brought with it the drive only small venues can produce.


To hear Foozle: 

All photographs by Jack Kunning, words by Kengir